CREK’s Evidence-Based Equine Development Program
We believe equine development is both and art and a science.
To that end, CREK developed and uses a six-stage evidence-based system to build solid equine citizens. We select our horses based on their behavior, health, conformation, and performance. All selected horses enter our program in Stage 1: Knowledge. The goal of Stage 1 is to acquire global knowledge about the horse. We begin Stage 1 by taking a sample of hair for Etalon ProPanel and Ancestry ($329/horse) DNA testing. Next the horse vetted, we take x-rays, our farrier provides hoof care, and our head trainer completes the intake CREK Equine Scoring System Report (ESSR). The ESSR contains pon completion, the horse moves into Stage 2: Comprehension. Here we develop a viable plan for the horse to move forward for further assessment.
Once the plan is in place, the horse moves into Stage 3: Application. This is where we get the DNA results back, execute any outstanding veterinary and farrier care action items. Then we move into Stage 4: Analysis.
In Stage 4, we study the horse even further. During this phase we might consult with other experts towards learning what best practices look like for a horse of a particular makeup. We complete the horse’s “ethnogram” or “Hippology” study. Hippology is the study of horses. During our study, we analyze everything we can learn about the horse from where it lived before coming to CREK all the way to good habits and bad.
Using the results of the CREK’s Scoring Checklist as a baseline for Psychology, Health, Conformation, and Performance, the Hippology study combined with medical and DNA information, as a comprehensive team the horse moves into Stage 5: Synthesis.
In Stage 5 we synchronize cognitive-behavioral training (Psychology), Health, Conformation, and Performance training to develop the horse. The horse is trained regularly and tested repeatedly until the horse achieves its program goals defined in the Intake: CREK Equine Scoring Method Report. Upon success, the horse is ready to graduate and moves into Stage 6: Evaluation.
We fortify the horse’s developmental training success with a graduation veterinary examination and farrier hoof care. We confirm Psychology, Health, Conformation, and Performance one final time then horse graduates from our program. All in all, a horse typically completes our program within 3 to 12 months.